Credit repair can take as little as thirty days or as long as six months, depending on the condition of your credit history. This article will show how fast credit repair can work, especially when you get help from a Dallas credit repair company.
What Is a Dallas Credit Repair Company?
A Dallas credit repair company helps people in Dallas to improve their credit score by disputing inaccurate and negative information on their credit history. If you have a bad credit rating, a credit repair company would communicate on your behalf with interested parties. These interested parties include credit bureaus that store your credit information, as well as the information furnishers, such as banks and debt collectors.
At a fee, a Dallas credit repair company would negotiate with these interested parties to either delete inaccurate information damaging your credit profile or file a dispute to fix these inaccuracies.
How Long Does It Take to Complete a Credit Repair Process?
It takes an average of one to six months to complete a credit repair process, depending on the number of disputes. If you only have a few errors to correct, the process can be done in as little as thirty days. Once the credit bureau investigates your claim and verifies that the information is inaccurate, it will immediately correct it and notify you of the results.
If you have legitimate negative marks on your credit reports, like defaults and bankruptcy, the credit repair process could take longer than six months, and the law does not allow the credit bureaus to delete them. At this point, your credit repair company can only negotiate with information furnishers, like banks and debt collectors, to help improve your credit rating.
How to Verify a Dallas Credit Repair Company
Even though there are many credit repair companies in Dallas, you need to verify that the one you choose is legitimate. Check out the company’s online reviews on the Better Business Bureau website–this site has verified online reviews, so it’s impossible to fake them. Check the complainant database on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as well, which will confirm if a credit repair company is legit if there are complaints on this site.
What Is a Credit Repair Agreement?
A credit repair agreement is a document that stipulates the services a credit repair company would offer you. It outlines the entire process of improving your credit score from the moment you sign up to work with them, to the point where you’d have a positive credit rating.
A credit repair agreement also shows the amount of money you’d pay to the credit repair company in exchange for its services. Some companies may charge you for each negative mark they remove from your credit report, while others may charge a flat rate based on how much your credit score has improved after rendering their credit repair services.
The Phenix Group Helps You With Credit Repair In Dallas
If you’re wondering how to get help with credit repair in Dallas, The Phenix Group is the right team to contact. We have vast experience to help you improve your credit score as quickly as possible–our credit repair specialists will review your credit report to identify any discrepancies and contact credit bureaus on your behalf for correction.