Credit talk is often deemed as negative when you have a less than desired credit score. Significantly higher interest rates on a home or auto purchases are typical for those with lower credit scores. Loan terms may also include other considerable fees due to the risk the creditor is assuming when they have a negative credit score. The Phenix Group is committed to improving your credit; thus placing you in a great position to refinance at a significantly lower interest rate per month, on any of your debt or major purchases.
Program Overview
Our Analyst are well versed in credit, credit education, and credit repair. An overall clean up is the 1st step to the path of financial freedom.
Credit Is Not One Size Fits All-But We Got You!
We go above and beyond to help figure out the best plan for your goal. A negative mark on the credit report isn’t great, but it isn’t always what is holding you back from your goal. Reach out to see if we can help you and your situation.

What To Expect
Tough Love, A Lot of Patience, and Good Credit
Credit is just naturally a sensitive subject. To get you to where you want to be, credit-wise, the conversation must be had, an individualized action plan made, time frame set-to name a few things.
We are very direct in our communication approach. Our approach leverages the best method around-the law. Our motto is to deliver more; we pride ourselves in under promising and over delivering.